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Tag: die cutting

High volume demand, Static Challenges, & Tight Tolerances with Zach Haddock (MFGMonkey Episode 28)

In this episode of the MFGMonkey Podcast, we tackle the complexities of high-volume demand, static challenges, and tight tolerances with industry expert Zach Haddock. As manufacturers strive to meet increasing demands while maintaining precision, understanding these critical factors becomes essential. Zach shares his insights and strategies for navigating these challenges, offering practical advice for achieving…

Employee Spotlight: Systems Engineer Connor Blair

Systems Engineer, Rocketry Nut, And Amateur Chef Working with great people is a cornerstone of MCMILLANCO’s business model, and it is essential to everything we do. That commitment starts in-house with incredible team members like Connor Blair. Connor is MCMILLANCO’s Systems Engineer and he plays several key roles for us. As our engineer extraordinaire, he…

Flat Bed Die Cutter Now Available

Preco 1220 Machine Cuts Lightweight Sheet Material For A Wide Variety Of Applications. Options And Features Our Preco 1220 machine features a full set of options, including: MCMILLANCO, LLC’s new Preco 1220 machine is a versatile machine for die-cutting and laminating roll and sheet material. This new in-house machine precisely laminates electronics and medical parts,…
